Danubius International Conferences, 10th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity

The Embezzlement. The Pre-existing Elements

Bogdan Bîrzu
Last modified: 2020-06-18


In this paper we have examined the pre-existing elements in the case of embezzlement. We insisted more on the active subject, due to the fact that in the law in force, in most cases, it must be qualified, the qualification consisting in a double quality, respectively the quality of civil servant and the quality of manager or administrator. We also referred to the quality of civil servant with direct reference to some interpretations given by our supreme court regarding some professions that have been assimilated to the quality of civil servant. During the examination, we also took into account some critical observations completed by some de lege ferenda proposals. The paper may be of interest to law students as well as practitioners in the field.