Danubius International Conferences, 11th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity

Social aspect of development of the Bulgarian ethnogeographic system of the Ukrainian Danube

Vyacheslav Todorov
Last modified: 2021-06-17


Based on the concept of ethnogeographic systems developed by the author, a study wasmade of the specifics of the social aspects of the life of the population of the ethnogeographicformation of the Ukrainian Danube with different ethnic composition of the population. In one of themost multi-ethnic regions of the state, where Ukrainians, Bulgarians, Russians, Moldavians,Gagauzes and others live compactly, the rights of the population to observe and develop the ethnicidentity of the population are respected. Each community is characterized by a peculiar approach topreserving the ethnic identity of the population. The author conducted a sociological study, the resultsof which determined the characteristics of interethnic tolerance of the population and the ethnic-language situation in the region. The current stage of development of the Bulgarian diaspora of thecountry is characterized by the intensification of ethnocultural and ethnopolitical life. The activationof the revival of the culture and traditions of the Bulgarians is associated with the activities of theAssociation of Bulgarians of Ukraine. Her activities are aimed at reviving the language, traditions andculture of the Bulgarians. Bulgarians take a more active part in the political life and processes of stateadministration and local self-government. An ethnosociological study showed that Bulgarians of theinterfluve region are characterized by a proud attitude to their own ethnonym, stratification of thepopulation by income level, 100% use of the mother language in everyday life and a relatively highlevel of knowledge of Ukrainian and Russian. The negative impact on ethnic self-identification ofrepresentatives of the main communities of the region has a socio-economic factor. This is especiallyclearly manifested among the descendants of the Transdanubian migrants, for whom identificationwith the inhabitants of a particular settlement is of great importance. Intensive inter-river ethnicprocesses are inherently ethno-evolutionary with clearly expressed intra-ethnic consolidation ofalmost all communities. The prospect of the development of EGS is associated primarily with theneed to develop the labor-intensive sectors of agriculture and the processing of local raw materials.