Danubius International Conferences, 1st International Conference on Education in the Digital Era

Online Education and Physical Therapy in the Special School

Talida Dorina Constandache
Last modified: 2022-07-27


Physical therapy, defined as movement therapy, is performed through recovery programs that aim to restore some diminished functions or increase the functional level in case of various diseases. The main specific means of physical therapy, physical exercise is used for the purpose of somato-functional, motor and psychomotor recovery or re-education of compensatory functions, in case of partially reversible or irreversible deficiencies.     The discipline of Physical Therapy is included in the area "Specific and compensatory therapies", being provided in the Framework Plan for special education by approving OMEN 3622/2018, Annex 14, with an allotted time of 2-3 hours / week, during each year school. The physiotherapy activity is performed individually or in groups, with a minimum duration of 15 minutes - maximum 45 minutes depending on the particularities of age, individual development and age specificity.     The online school has greatly influenced the way therapy classes are conducted. In families where digital skills were more advanced and the degree of disability of children lower, classes could be done without impediments. But in families where the child's degree of disability was higher, IQ lower, cooperation to achieve collaboration was not possible, the role of physiotherapist was taken over by the parent under the close supervision of the teacher.     In the instructive-educational process, videos were used on online platforms that explained the physical deficiencies and had exemplary therapeutic exercise programs. In order to make the classes as fun as possible, movies with dances and recreational activities were used. Mobile applications were used in the evaluation to identify deviations from normal body posture.       The use of modern non-invasive diagnostic methods available to parents to determine the evolution of posture, among children and adolescents has increased awareness of incorrect posture. The accumulation of information in the online environment has led to a more complete information and a better understanding of the objectives of physiotherapy.