Author Details
Lates, Gheorghe, Danubius University, Romania
3rd International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity - European Construction between Desideratum and Realities
Danubian Culture- A Desideratum or a Reality
Abstract -
9th International Conference on European Integration - Realities and Perspectives - Interdisciplinary Dimensions of Communication Science
The Translation - A Border Discipline between Multi- and Interculturalism
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6th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity - Local Communities – Diachrony and Synchrony
Danubian Discourse, Discursiveness and Discursivity
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7th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity - Local Communities – Diachrony and Synchrony
European Construction, Deconstruction and Reconstruction
Abstract -
1st International Conference on Education in the Digital Era - The Reflective, Creative and Innovative Teacher in the Digital Era
Prolegomena to the Didactics of Forgetting
Abstract -
13th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity - Local Communities – Diachrony and Synchrony
The Permanencies of the Danube
Abstract -
2nd International Conference on Education in the Digital Era - Initial Teacher Training and Continuous Professional Development - a New Challenge
Strategies to Avoid the Inherent Forgetfulness