Browse Title Index

Scheduled Conference Title
2nd International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity The Ukrainian Policy of Multilingualism in the Danube River Basin Abstract
Valentina Radkina
8th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity The Ukrainian South Bessarabia Dialects of Artsyz District Odessa Region Abstract
Andrij Kolesnykov
Dunarea - axa a identitatii europene - prima editie The Ukrainian-Romanian border a region on the Danube: the land and people Abstract
Natalia Lebedenko, Tatyana Shevchuk
11th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity The Value of the Water in the Romanian Christian Tradition and its Current Legal Protection Abstract
Nelu Gheorghiță
5th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity The Water Symbolism in the Poem "Memento Mori" by Eminescu Abstract
Elena Golovanova
4th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity The Ways to Optimize the History Education in Ukrainian Danube Region Abstract
Liliya Tsyganenko
7th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity The Work of Mihail Sadoveanu in the European Context Abstract
Elena Golovanova
3rd International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity The “Lower Danube” Euroregion as a Form of Cross-border Cooperation Abstract
Vira Tserkovna
11th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity Theater, History and Memory. A Vision about Identity Abstract
Elena Botezatu Iancu
8th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity Theoretic and Methodological Aspects of Forming Physical Culture of the Person of Student Youth Abstract
Gennady Yarchuk
6th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity Theoretical and practical perspectives on the substantial change of the public procurement contract Abstract
Goga Gina Livioara
11th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity Theoretical aspects of cognition of the culture of Ukrainian Bessarabia Abstract
Yulia Sych
5th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity Theoretical Aspects of the Artistic Cognition of Ukrainian Danube Nature Abstract
Ivan Pastyr
10th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity Thinking and Acting in a Disrupted Europe Abstract
Gabriela Marchis
7th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity "This Deserted Country ...": on the Poem of Alexander Pushkin. «To Baratynsky. From Basarabia» Abstract
Tatyana Savoskina
10th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity Title – Key Element of Text Information Structure Abstract
Galina Oleinikova
6th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity Tolerance as a Necessary Condition for the Existence of Multicultural Society in the Danube Region Abstract
Seifulla Rashydov
6th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity Toponymics Layers on the Dobrogea’s Banks of the Danube in the Light of History and Multiculturalism Abstract
Smaranda Enică
Dunarea - axa a identitatii europene - prima editie Torture as Jus Cogens Norm Abstract
Mirgen Prence
4th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity TOURISM AND POLLUTION VERSUS DANUBE LEGISLATION (EXAMPLE CAZANE, ROMANIA AREA) Abstract
Cipriana Sava, Gheorghe Pinteala, Mircea Golosie
11th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity Tourist and Recreational Potential of the Danube in Educating the Ecological Ethics of Pre-Schoolers Abstract
Tetiana Lesina, Mehdi Dzhamel Brahmi
Dunarea - axa a identitatii europene - prima editie Toxicity and proximity Danube Benefit – a Sanitary Perspective Abstract
Liliana Pavel
5th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity Traditional Cultures in the Multiethnic Danube Region: Specifics of the Development Abstract
Ada Dizanova
12th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity Traditions and Specifics of the Regional Culture of the Besarabian Lands of the Danube in the Context of European Paradigms Abstract
Olena Bukhnieva
12th International Conference The Danube - Axis of European Identity Traditions and Specifics of the Regional Culture of the Besarabian Lands of the Danube in the Context of European Paradigms Abstract
Olena Bukhnieva
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